donderdag 10 april 2014

Some random night shots

EART 2014

For the first time the European Air Refueling Training 2014 was held at Eindhoven Air Base.
During the excersies Eindhoven Air Base is a Tanker Forward Operating Base which means that the tankers will fly from here. The reason why this is organized is to train pilots and personal for possible future conflicts in which tankers play a big part.
EART 2014 was scheduled during Frisian Flag at Leeuwarden Air Base to provide air refueling for the fighters. The tanker pilots could therefore find themselves in a mission where they could be the target.

For this excersies the following country`s participated

German Air Force with 1 A-310-404 MRTT from FBS BMVg
Italian Air Force with 1 KC-767A from 14 Stormo
Dutch Air Force with 1 KDC-10 from 334 Sqaudron

And now for the pictures.

For the first time in the Netherlands what a beauty

Frisian Flag 2014

For two weeks each year the sky`s above the Netherlands will be filled with aircraft during the excersies Frisian Flag. The main goal of the excersies, to train pilots in a high level so they can use there experience during NATO Response Force missions or in Afghanistan.
The Dutch Navy and Army are involved with Forward Air Controllers to make it even harder for the pilots. Also there are ground to air rocket systems like the Patriot located in the area of operations.
There are 2 wave`s of 45 aircraft each day, to take the battle to the sky.
Mission that will be flown are for example are No Fly Zone in which a airspace must be defended from enemy aircraft. 

Participating country`s where

Belgian Air Force with 5 F-16AM from 2 Wing

Danish Air Force with 3 F-16AM From Esk 727/730
German Air Force with 10 EF-2000 from various sqaudrons
Finnish Air Force with 5 F-18C from Various sqaudrons
Norwegian Air Force with 8 F-16AM from FLO
Portugal Air Force with 5 F-16AM from Esq 201/301
Spanish Air Force with 6 EF-2000 from ALA 11

And off course the Dutch Air Force with several F-16AM from 312, 313, 322, 323 Sqaudron.

For the Spanish Air Force it was the first time the attended Frisian Flag, hopefully they will come every year. The Germans and the Fins where there for Air Defence while the country`s with F-16`s where flying all kinds of missions. With these aircraft a extra 800 men and woman where there for support. And to bring these eqeuipment and personal many C-130`s and other transports where used.

Ànd now for some pictures.

 Note that the Belgians are using a new type of camouflage as used by the USAF.